Customer duplication is an inevitable part of managing customer data.  Duplicate customer records can occur for various reasons. For example, customers often book through various channels and small differences like name variations or different email addresses can create multiple records. Typos, administrative errors and customers booking first as guests and then using a newly created Jezzam user profile are other examples of how duplications can occur.

Jezzam offers a merge feature that allows you to easily identify and combine duplicate records, ensuring your customer data remains accurate and up-to-date for a seamless booking experience.

Understanding the Merge Process

Merging customer information in Jezzam is a straightforward 3-step process:

  1. Selecting the Primary Customer: The primary customer is the record you want to keep.

  2. Selecting the Secondary Customer: The secondary customer’s information will be merged into the primary customer’s record. After the merge, the secondary customer will be deleted.

  3. Reviewing and Merging Information: You will review and decide which information from the secondary customer will be kept and merged into the primary customer’s record.

How to Merge Customers in Jezzam

Follow these steps to merge duplicate customer records:

Step 1: Selecting the Primary Customer

  1. Go to the Customer section in your admin panel
  2. Click the "Merge" button
  3. Find and Select the Primary Customer:
    • Use the list in the table to locate the primary customer.
    • Review the displayed information to confirm that this is the customer record you want to keep.
    • Click 'Next'.

Step 2: Selecting the Secondary Customer

  • Find and Select the Secondary Customer:
    • Use the list in the table to locate the secondary customer.
    • Review the displayed information to confirm that this is the customer record you want to merge.
    • Click 'Next'.

Step 3: Reviewing and Merging Information

  1. Review the Information:
    • Check how the data from the secondary customer will be merged into the primary customer.
    • Adjust the merge actions for each piece of information as needed (see below for more details on merge actions).
  2. Finalize the Merge:
    • Once satisfied with the merge actions for each piece of information, click 'Merge'.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

Confirmation and Success

  • Warning Before Merge:
    • You will receive a warning before finalizing the merge, indicating that the action cannot be undone.
    • Ensure you review all information and settings carefully before proceeding.
  • Successful Merge:
    • A confirmation message will appear once the merge is completed successfully.
    • The primary customer will have their details updated with the information from the secondary customer.

By following these steps and guidelines, you can effectively manage and merge customer records in Jezzam, maintaining an accurate and streamlined database. 

Choosing the correct Merge Action when merging Customers

Troubleshooting Customer Merge