Jezzam keeps an audit trail of the various stages and interactions for each booking.  

Viewing the history of the booking can be useful if you want to see what stage of the process the booking is in, who actioned various stages of the booking and when these happened.

The booking history displays information such as when the booking was first initiated, who initiated the booking, when it was paid, when it was rescheduled and by whom etc.

You can view a booking's history in one of two ways:

Via the Admin Calendar

1) Go to the Admin Calendar

2) Navigate to the booking you want to look at 

3) Click on the booking

4) Select "View/Edit"

5) Click the "History" tab

Via the Customers section

1) Go to the Customer section

2) Search for the customer you are interested in (for example, by using the "Search" box at the top of the customer list

3) Select the customer in the customer list

4) Click their "Bookings" tab

5) Click the "Details" link for the booking you are interested in

6) Click the "History" tab