Placeholders are a powerful feature of Jezzam's email templating and allow you to place special "coded" text that get replaced with the actual information when the email is sent.

Placeholders are surrounded by two curly brackets (for example: {{}}.  They can be typed in or we recommend selecting them using the "Insert placeholder" dropdown.

A full list of place holders is below:


Placeholder codeNameNotes
 account.nameAccount nameThe name of your account
 recipient.first.nameRecipient first nameThe first name of the person receiving the email
 recipient.last.nameRecipient last nameThe last name of the person receiving the email email addressThe email address of the person receiving the email
customer.first.nameCustom first nameThe first name of the customer who made the booking (note this might not be the recipient for example if the emails is being sent to a staff member)
 customer.last.nameCustomer last nameThe last name of the customer who made the booking (note this might not be the recipient for example if the emails is being sent to a staff member) email addressThe email address of the customer who made the booking (note this might not be the recipient for example if the emails is being sent to a staff member)
 booking.nameBooking nameThe name of the booking (for example, this could be the name of the service or the event/course)
 booking.descriptionBooking descriptionThe description of the booking (for example, this could be the description of the service or the event/course)
 booking.start.dateBooking start date
 booking.start.timeBooking start time
 booking.end.dateBooking end date
 booking.end.timeBooking end time
Booking original name
The description of the booking (for example, this could be the description of the service or the event/course)
booking.original.dateBooking original dateWhere the date of the booking has changed (for example if the booking has been rescheduled) this will contain the original start date
 booking.original.start.timeBooking original start timeWhere the start time of the booking has changed (for example if the booking has been rescheduled) this will contain the original start time
 booking.durationBooking duration
 booking.priceBooking price
 booking.payment.methodBooking payment methodWhere the booking has been paid for, this will contain the method of payment (for example, online, bank transfer, direct debit etc)
booking.location.nameBooking location name
booking.location.addressBooking location address
booking.staff.listBooking staff listThis will contain a list of one or more staff members used for the booking if the booking uses staff.
booking.resource.listBooking resource listThis will contain a list of one or more resources used for the booking if the booking uses resources
 booking.referenceBooking referenceThe booking reference number
 booking.statusBooking statusThis contains the current booking status (for example, Awaiting Payment, Confirmed, Cancelled etc)
 booking.full.details.blockFull booking details block
This is a special placeholder that contains all the details of the booking
booking.receipt.blockBooking receipt blockThis is a special placeholder that contains all the receipt information for the booking
 email.validation.expiry.dateEmail validation expiry dateIf email validation is switched on for your account, this placeholder is used in the verification email and contains the expiry date for the link included in the email
 pencilledin.expiry.datePencilled in expiry dateIf you use pencilled in workflow, this placeholder contains the expiry date for the link used in pencilled in emails
 payment.expiry.datePayment expiry date
This placeholder contains the expiry date for the link in emails sent as part of the automatic payment expiry automation
 booking.cancellation.reasonBooking cancellation reason email address buttonOutputs the button the recipient should click to verify their email address
 button.approve.bookingApprove booking buttonOutputs the button the admin should click to begin processing the approval of a booking
 button.accept.pencilledinAccept pencilled in buttonOutputs the button the customer should click to accept a booking that has been pencilled in for them for booking buttonOutputs the button the customer should click to begin the process of paying for a booking
 button.process.refundProcess refund buttonOutputs the button the admin should click to begin processing a refund for a booking
 custom.message.blockCustom message blockA special placeholder that outputs any custom message added by an admin when sending an email from the admin panel
 custom.subjectCustom subject
A special placeholder that is used for the subject line of quick emails send from the admin panel
 link.booknowBook now linkOutputs the link to the booking page for you account
 link.admin.panelAdmin panel linkOutputs the link to the admin panel for your account
 membership.invite.expiry.dateMembership invite expiry dateIf your account is configured for memberships, this placeholder is used in member invite emails and contains the expiry date for the button members should click to accept the invite
 button.membership.inviteMembership invite button
If your account is configured for memberships, this placeholder outputs the button customers should click to accept the invite
 access.invite.expiry.dateAccess invite expiry dateThis placeholder contains the expiry date for the link in emails sent to new users inviting them to become an admin of your account
 button.access.inviteAccess invite buttonOutputs the buttons users should click on to accept the invite to become an administrator of your account
 form.submitted.nameContact form nameThe name entered on the contact form of your mini website form email addressThe email address entered on the contact form of your mini website
form.submitted.subjectContact form subject
The subject entered on the contact form of your mini website
form.submitted.messageContact form message
The message entered on the contact form of your mini website